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Our Staff: Annilee
Assistant Manager
I have two dogs and a cat. Ella is named after Cruella D'Evil, but is far from evil. She's an 80-pound English shepherd/poodle mix who thinks she is a lap dog and my favorite snuggle buddy. Her little sister Maggie may be small, but she has no problem keeping up. Maggie is a 20-pound cockapoo with lots of attitude. Finally, she may be the smallest, but my cat Astrid is absolutely the leader of the pack.
No one can resist a doodle mix face!! But I've always loved black labs and big dogs in general.
I try to keep my body moving so I do yoga every morning and evening. I also found a pair of roller blades deep in storage that still fit so I've been rolling around town to keep active.
My most prominent career goal is to be happy and fulfilled in the line of work I'm in.
I love to cook, listen to music, and watch movies. I try to write something in my journal every day and read a book every once in awhile... just to make sure I still know how.
I graduated from Oak Park River Forest High School. In 2019 I took a phlebotomy certification course at Triton College.
A poem I wrote in high school was published in the local art magazine! It was about cows!